A day with Laura Sopegno – ISE YAB

The fantastic Laura Sopegno, Aerospace Engineer, and ISE Young Advisory Board member tells you about the benefits of learning by doing with our new Immersive Software Engineering programme at UL. Listen to Laura describe her experiences working on future space exploration.

“I learned every formula and equation since I started my studies at Polytechnic of Turin. If there is one thing I have learned better than the others, is the importance of having a strong connection between academia and industries. Engineering always works when you attend classes, but it is easier to ask yourself “how does it work?” when you try to turn the same knowledge into concreteness.
The Immersive Software Engineering program represents the key to your success as a software engineer. A revolutionary way of learning computer science where traditional rooms let the floor to company residencies and professional team experiences, contributing to power your future and to shape your career along with international and innovative growth.”

Immersive Software Engineering at University of Limerick student Fiona Barrett (third from right) celebrates winning Hack Ireland grand prize with team mates

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