Visit of the Scientific Advisory Board

The ISE residency partner group photo

The three days of visit of our international Scientific Advisory Board to UL are over!!
Prof. Dave Fisher (Rose-Hullman Inst. of Technology, USA), Prof. Barry Floyd (California Polytechnic State University, USA) and Prof. Cristina Seceleanu (Mälardalen University, Sweden) and Prof. Mike Hinchey (University of Limerick) were on campus and attended three major events.

ISE held a Studio and Project-Based Learning education workshop with the Faculty of Science and Engineering, opened by Prof. Kerstin Mey, the UL President. We had 8 presentations from the School of Engineering, School of Design and Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, presenting were; David Tanner (SoE), Walter Stanley (SoE), Reena Cole (SoE), Tabea DeWille (CSIS), Alan T Ryan (CSIS), Ita Richardson (CSIS), Merritt Bucholz (SoD), Miriam Dunn (SoD) and Lillian Motti Ader (CSIS).

Followed by a Q&A panel and discussion with the international SAC experts.

We met 20 of our 50 Residency Partner Network companies on Tuesday afternoon, with a tea and arts welcome in the White House.  Engaged discussions met the ISE program updates and its future steps, and a lively activity kicked off the co-design of the collaboration, events, and engagement of the companies in the RP Members network with ISE and among themselves. As a measure of success, they were still in the room, discussing with the team, the SAC members, and networking 45 mins after the planned end of the event. The ISE ecosystem is working!

The residency partners in attendance were; Alison Ahern (Stripe), Alison Evans Adnani (Shopify), Ann Blehein (BD), Mark Boylan (Trustap), Alan Burton (Fiserv), Mark Cahill (Smartbear), Ciaran Conroy (Paragon-Music), Anne Marie Clyne (MasterCard), Sean Cooney (Boston Scientific), John Gleeson (Transact Campus), Ger Hartnett (Mongo DB), Catherine Hough (Fiserv), Gerard McMahon (Fidelity Investments), John Meaney (Johnson & Johnson), Sinead Molloy (Teckro), Elizabeth Murphy (Teckro), Eoin O’Brien (Tracworx), John O’Donovan (Viotas), Susan O’Riordan (Altada), Ross Ryan (Letsgetchecked), Anthony Quigney (Dell), Brian Scally (Paragon-Music), Emma Wilson (Keeper Solutions) and Brendan Smith (Workday).

Immersive Software Engineering at University of Limerick student Fiona Barrett (third from right) celebrates winning Hack Ireland grand prize with team mates

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